#132: Profits

Posts might be a bit shorter for the next few days as I am attending the Finance Magnates conference in Sydney, starting in a few hours. I suffer from severe cocktail autism. Pure torture for me. I am continuously mistaken for an extrovert. People should only know .

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As an Aussie, I very seldom cover the Australian market but thought it would be appropriate today. As you can see on the Australian Stock Exchange’s top 200 company index making new all-time highs. So to is the US S&P 500.

Now we drill in a little to see how the 2 indexes compare from a market breadth point of view. We will stick with 2 measures the cumulative advance decline line and the % of stocks in each index that are trading above their 200 day moving average. On both these measures the US S&P 500 is stronger “internally” than the ASX 200.

That is a wrap for today guys.

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