#142: Opposites Unite

I am pretty upset that I missed publishing my first newsletter in six months yesterday. I have a lot on this week, but that is still no excuse. Yesterday I planned on sending out an announcement on the launch of a new product, then I encountered a technical issue, and before I knew it, I had run out of time. I will send the announcement out tomorrow in place of my daily newsletter, as my son is arriving after more than two years away from home.

S2N Spotlight

In the past few days, a close friend has been staying with us. Tragically, my friend’s son was taken hostage by Hamas and was murdered. Last night he spoke to a large group of people about the ability to be happy while at the same time being broken and sad. Before tackling this subject with my own trading related spin, I wanted to make the following observation.

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously said, “The road up and the road down are one and the same.” This is a really deep insight. Lets dig in.

It wasn’t until about 15 years ago when I started studying Carl Jung’s Collected Works that I came across the idea of “coincidentia oppositorum.” Jung builds on Heraclitus belief that the world is constantly functioning within a dynamic world of opposites working as one.

What Jung believed is that we grow (transcend) as a person when we are able to unite two opposing emotions and let them sit comfortably within the space we create for them. I would like to expand this idea to the mundane world of trading/investing.

In order to make money in the markets one has to confront the uncomfortable truth that you need to be comfortable losing money. Nobody in the history of the markets has made money without losing some money at some stage along the journey. To make money you have to risk losing money, there simply is no other way.

I think people who are successful trading/investing in the markets have integrated and become comfortable with the equation success = (profit +loss).

S2N Observations

Hong Kong is the world’s largest tax haven, with $2.8 trillion of offshore wealth parked there, not paying any tax on foreign earnings. I was thinking how ironic it is that people risk putting their money in a jurisdiction where the Chinese Communist Party could expropriate all that money in a heartbeat. I am probably being overly dramatic.

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