#179: Statistics Don’t Pay the Bills

S2N Spotlight

This is how traders, economists, and politicians present inflation. Core is at 3.3% and marginally growing.

What the above chart doesn’t take into account is that each bit of inflation growth is compounding on the previous period. So if we start in 2020, then almost 5 years later prices are up 20%, as you can see below. Those seemingly small annual growth bumps quickly compound into something unaffordable.

S2N Observations

Warren Buffet is truly an Oracle. There is nothing random about this guy’s ability to understand valuation. Berkshire Hathaway is sitting on a record pile of cash, 28% of all its assets. The company always keeps a healthy dose of cash on hand (14%) so it can take advantage of a good deal.

If the market corrects and there is the proverbial blood in the street, this guy is going to clean up, and he will rightfully enshrine his legacy as the greatest investor of all time for centuries to come.

S2N Screener Alerts

Bitcoin is up 7 days in row; the last time was 509 days ago.

The EURUSD made a 52 week low.

Performance Review

For those who are new to the letter, the shading is Z-Score adjusted so that only moves bigger than usual for the symbol are highlighted.

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