Signal2Noise Newsletter FREE

I have decided to make some changes that I believe are going to help my business in the long run and benefit those of you who are enjoying the newsletter but cannot get past the payment hurdle.

What you get for free

  • If you have signed up for the newsletter before, you will automatically be added back to the daily email list. If you don’t wish to receive the emails, then you can simply unsubscribe.

  • You will be able to access the Macro Tools (research portal) of the website without having to login.

  • Anyone can sign up for the newsletter going forward and receive it for free or read it on the site.

  • You will also be on the blog email list, where I post a longer post about every 10 days.

Signal2Noise business model

  • I will make money by selling educational courses, which I am currently working on. (the site will update with details shortly.)

  • I am offering an online coaching programme where I am creating a cost-effective way for traders who are serious about improving their profitability. I am planning on launching next month.

  • I will be selling sponsorships / advertising for the newsletter and research portal.

  • Active Signals subscription with notifications. In the newsletter, I pick a signal of interest; however, I am not sharing all the signals as they happen. The subscription service will be offered in the second half of the year.

How you can help me help you

One of the most important criteria for the success of this business is that I build a large enough mailing list and get enough visits to the site to make it worthwhile for sponsorships. I think that its a very fair trade for those of you who find value in my work to share this email or future newsletters with colleagues, family, and friends. I have had tremendous feedback from many people who find they are gaining valuable insights from my style of writing and my approach to the financial markets. These people are doctors, dentists, lawyers, housewives, and hedge fund managers—a real cross-section of society.

I view the relationship with every subscriber and user as a partnership, I love what I am doing and would love to do this into my 90’s. I look forward to a long and fruitful partnership where you help me help you. There are not many win : win relationships in financial markets.

Home page

Thank you, your humble partner Mike

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